What Have YOU Always Wanted to Do?

  • How many times have you seen someone playing the guitar or piano and said, "I've always wanted to play the piano?"
  • How many times have you thought, "I should read through the Bible," or "I should watch the sun rise more often?"
  • How many times have you thought, "I should really keep in touch with Aunt Ruby?"

  • I think those thoughts often. So when I saw the concept of 101 in 1,001, I was intrigued. Yeah, I have to admit it--I'm a list-maker. I make lists about what I want to buy at the grocery store, what I want to get accomplished before a big event, or what I want to name my next child. Lists are--well, they make me feel like I'm prepared, and as I mark off each item, they make me feel like I've accomplished something. So, I've decided to make my list of 101 things that I want to accomplish within the next 1,001 days.

    So...what have YOU always wanted to do?

    What Is 101 in 1001?

    I recently read about a project where you make a list of specific goals and give yourself a specific time to complete those goals. the idea, as well as the person's list that I read, was very inspiring. I decided to make a list of my own...

    And I have to complete my list.

    Thursday, January 06, 2005

    Okay. So I've started. :-)

    I woke up this morning inspired. I was so glad that I finished my list last night, because it really helped me feel focused today. Maybe I'm a moron, but lists are just the thing to get me moving. I'm a hopeless list addict.

    I felt so good about starting the day out with a plan that I took a shower first thing in the morning, even though I have no plans to go anywhere. This, I'm afraid, is quite unusual for me.

    I decided to start with the very basics, hugging my kids as soon as they wake up and spending time in the Word first thing in the morning. As I was reading Job, my dad came in the room and started talking to me as if I weren't doing anything, which is a pet peeve of mine. But I bit my tongue and didn't respond with a sarcastic comment. Wow. That was very hard. I didn't realize what a pattern it is for me.

    As I look over my list, I see that there are a lot of things that I've vowed to do "daily" or "weekly" or "monthly." I want to put a specific goal on each of those things, like Billi-Jean did. When I look at those items now, it's hard to imagine doing them EVERY DAY for 2 1/2 years. Doing each activity for one month, or three times, or whatever seems much more attainable.