What Have YOU Always Wanted to Do?

  • How many times have you seen someone playing the guitar or piano and said, "I've always wanted to play the piano?"
  • How many times have you thought, "I should read through the Bible," or "I should watch the sun rise more often?"
  • How many times have you thought, "I should really keep in touch with Aunt Ruby?"

  • I think those thoughts often. So when I saw the concept of 101 in 1,001, I was intrigued. Yeah, I have to admit it--I'm a list-maker. I make lists about what I want to buy at the grocery store, what I want to get accomplished before a big event, or what I want to name my next child. Lists are--well, they make me feel like I'm prepared, and as I mark off each item, they make me feel like I've accomplished something. So, I've decided to make my list of 101 things that I want to accomplish within the next 1,001 days.

    So...what have YOU always wanted to do?

    What Is 101 in 1001?

    I recently read about a project where you make a list of specific goals and give yourself a specific time to complete those goals. the idea, as well as the person's list that I read, was very inspiring. I decided to make a list of my own...

    And I have to complete my list.

    Wednesday, June 04, 2008

    Time for a new list?

    I go through this list every once in a while, even though my time is up and the countdown is way past over, and I find that I'm still eliminating a couple of these every once in a while, but I also see that there are quite a few I can't cross off because I set a number that was too high or I couldn't have possibly done a thing every single day, so since I missed one or two, I can't cross it off!

    So I think I'll start a new blog for this and create a new list and see what I can get done in another 1001 days.

    Look for it soon!

    Saturday, December 23, 2006

    Update on Goals

    It's fun to come back and check on this occassionally, to see that I truly am making progress. I was able to check several more things off of the list today. And like I said in the previous post, there are a few things that I really don't think I need to do anymore, so I may have to rethink these at the start of the new year. Maybe add something like, "Save for Christmas" or "Run a 5K" or "Do yoga for eight weeks" which are all things I want to do.

    A lot of them are things I want to do, but money doesn't allow. Still, I have almost a year left to complete my goals.

    I think it's doable.

    Thursday, May 04, 2006

    Thoughts on Goals

    One thing I've found that's very interesting about this project is seeing how my interests and goals have changed, seeing how some of these things aren't as important to me as they once were, or how I didn't really want them in the first place. Some things are still very high on the list of priorities. For example, just today I thought, "I really do need to save up enough money to buy a new kitchen table and chairs." That hasn't changed. But having quite time every weekday just isn't as crucial to me now as it once was. Some things I set as goals were because I felt that they were necessary in order to make me a better person. But they aren't necessary. It's the goals that I have set down because they're things I *want* to do, that I want to accomplish, that have stuck with me.

    So I may remove some of those goals, some of those unnecessary, stale, boring goals, and replace them, even with only 518 days left, with some more important, more realistic goals.

    Thursday, September 29, 2005

    Making Headway

    While I haven't posted on this blog regularly, it doesn't mean I haven't been thinking about it. I'm still actively pursuing my goals and can see that I'm gaining ground on some areas and finding that others are so difficult to achieve.

    I'm reminded of Benjamin Franklin, I think it was, who made a list of areas over which he wanted to achieve victory; he found that he would overcome one vice, move on to the next challenge, and then lose ground on the one he thought he'd overcome. This is how I feel. I had overcome drinking soft drinks and eating fast food, and now that life has become busy, I find myself slipping back into those old habits again. The one-time accomplishments are wonderful, but, boy, those lifelong habits are so difficult to break!

    Friday, March 25, 2005

    Sometimes it's difficult!

    I'm surprised how difficult some of these are. For instance, can you believe it's difficult to remember to hug my kids every morning and every night?

    Or to write in their journals?

    Or to have a family meeting or Bible study or visit a church?

    I haven't walked to the mailbox ONE TIME since I started this!

    It's funny how we procrastinate about certain things. There are some things that I haven't had a problem doing, like the bigger things. Tackle 'em, get 'em done. But the things that have to become a habit, well...those are so much more difficult.

    Now that I've established a few habits, I should try to pick up a couple more of these goals.

    I'm encouraged by what I've finished so far, though.

    Sunday, February 20, 2005


    I found a piano instructor! Cool! Kids start next month.

    Tuesday, February 08, 2005

    My progress now...

    Well, there are certain things that are just falling into place more easily than others.

    For instance, aside from a visit to Chick-Fil-A today, I haven't had fast food since the beginning of my fast-food fast. I've rarely drank soft drinks and have really increased my water intake. I've been taking my vitamins daily, reading some part of the Word daily, and making a new recipe every week--sometimes more.

    I made my bed every day for a week, but decided to continue it. Funny, I have to force myself to do this. I've decided that it's difficult because it's not rewarding. I think there's an essay in there somewhere.

    I've cleaned my room to my satisfaction three times. I hope to get to that again tomorrow. It's always nice to have a clean room. Biggest problem with this is overcoming the laundry monster.

    We taught our dogs to go through the new dog doors. That's totally cool.

    I'm almost done organizing bookshelves. I just have a few books in the basement laundry room that need to be done. So cool!

    I've been working on the craft room and fruit cellar little by little. I'd like to finish these before the gardening season starts.

    I've put my grocery cart away EVERY TIME I go to the store!

    We've had neighbors over to play games twice.

    Houdin and I haven't made cheesecake together yet, but I have all of the fixins and I even bought a new cheesecake book. Looking forward.

    I hope to send in the piano instructor classified tomorrow.

    I've gone to the store with a list every time. Today, went to Sam's club with a list and bought only one extra thing...the trash bags I forgot to write down!

    I still have a lot to do, and I may even reevaluate my list now that some of these things have become a habit.

    We'll see...